Ugandan Teen
Everyone experiences different pregnancy symptoms at different times. Because pregnancy symptoms can vary so greatly, it’s important not to compare yours to someone else’s.
You may or may not have any of the following early pregnancy symptoms. The most common symptoms are as follows.
A missed period is the most common and noticeable sign of pregnancy. After conception, your body produces hormones that prevent ovulation and the shedding of your uterine lining. This means that your menstrual cycle has ended and you will not have another period until your baby is born. However, missing your period is not always indicative of pregnancy. Stress, excessive exercise, dieting, hormone imbalances, and other factors that cause irregular periods can all cause you to miss your period.
Morning (and noon and night) sickness: Contrary to its name, this pregnancy symptom can occur at any time of day or night. Nausea can occur as early as the second week of pregnancy. Not everyone gets nausea, and there are different levels of nausea. You may feel sick, but you will never vomit. Approximately half of the pregnant women vomit due to nausea. Though nausea is common during pregnancy, it can be dangerous if you become dehydrated. People who are unable to consume food or fluids due to severe nausea may have hyperemesis gravidarum. If you are experiencing severe nausea and dehydration, contact your healthcare provider.
Breast pain (and swelling): During pregnancy, your breasts may become tender to the touch.The pain may be similar to how your breasts feel before a period, but it will be more severe. Your areolas (the area around your nipple) may also darken and expand. This discomfort is only temporary and will fade as your body adjusts to the increased hormone levels. You may also notice that your breasts have grown larger and that your bra is fitting tighter than usual.
Frequent trips to the bathroom: You may notice that you need to pee more frequently before you miss a period. This occurs because you have more blood than usual. The blood supply to your body increases during pregnancy.Your kidneys filter your blood and eliminate waste. This waste exits your body as urine. The more blood there is in your body, the more you will need to pee.
Fatigue (tiredness): Many pregnant women experience extreme fatigue. This pregnancy symptom is caused by high levels of the hormone progesterone. Fatigue, like other early pregnancy symptoms, tends to improve in the second trimester (after week 13 of pregnancy). However, for many people, it returns in the third trimester.
Remember, the only way to know for sure if you’re pregnant is to take a pregnancy test or have an ultrasound performed by your healthcare provider.
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