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Reflecting on 35: A Journey of Gratitude, Growth, and Impact.
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Reflecting on 35: A Journey of Gratitude, Growth, and Impact.

On November 14th, I marked my 35th year, and the flood of gratitude and thanksgiving overwhelmed me. It feels like just yesterday when I took my first breath in the humble village of Katereza in Rwampara district. Little did I know the incredible journey that awaited me, shaping the person I am today.

None of this would have been possible without each one of you. Your support and dedication have propelled me to achieve and create a positive impact, especially in the lives of young people in Uganda and beyond. To my dear friends, you’ve been my unwavering companions through thick and thin. Your encouragement, guidance, and unshakeable belief in me have been pivotal to my personal growth and success. I am eternally grateful for your presence in my life.

To my biological and chosen family, your love and support have been my anchor. Your belief in my dreams has given me the strength to overcome every challenge. I’m blessed to have you all by my side. To my incredible family at Reach a Hand Uganda and SautiPlus Media Hub, your passion and dedication to our shared mission humbles me. Together, we’ve reached countless young stars, empowering them to create positive change. Your hard work and commitment inspire me daily.

Special thanks to Kin Kariisa of Next Media and Joseph Kigozi for their leadership, belief in me, and guidance throughout this journey. Your transformative role in my life is truly appreciated.


Last but not least, an appreciation to the peer educators and young stars we’ve reached over the years. You are the heartbeat of our work. Your determination, resilience, and eagerness to learn deeply touched my heart. I am grateful for the opportunity to walk alongside you on this transformative journey.

I’m filled with immense gratitude for all the incredible individuals who have shaped not only my life but the lives of others. Together, we’ve made a difference, and for that, I am forever thankful.”

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